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Our Culture: Día de muertos

By Mauricio Lopez Sanchez, Grade 11
During my four years at Stanstead College, I’ve learned many things, not only academic related but also culturally and socially. 我明白了生活是用来生活的,而不是用来承受压力的. I’ve learned that a friend could be literally anyone. 我明白了老师不仅仅是一个愤怒的怪物,而是一个很好的朋友. 我知道如果灯在两分钟内熄灭,那就意味着你可以出去玩了, have a shower and hide your phone and laptop. 我学会了珍惜生活中的小事,而不是抱怨小事,比如不喜欢每顿饭的食物. 我明白了学校可以成为你的家,学校里的人可以成为你的家人. I’ve learned that if you take a moment to learn someone’s past, you’ll see everyone has so much to offer and a story to be told.
Everyone has a culture to show. Even if they are from your own country, we are all different, 斯坦斯特德最美丽的地方之一就是文化的多样性, this great mix from many countries, continents, cities, towns and families.
Today I want to show you a little piece of my culture. 昨天11月2日,是我们在墨西哥庆祝著名的亡灵节的日子. Yes, I said “celebrate” and “dead” together. 但是,是什么让“Día亡灵节”成为一个伟大而美丽的传统,而不是一个令人毛骨悚然和奇怪的死人派对呢?
This is not a celebration of someone dying but of their lives, of the path they’ve paved and the importance they had to us.
当你失去一个亲近的人,你会觉得你的心碎了,掉了一大块. Well, 那块可以象征这个人对你的重要性, 你内心的空洞是他们在你生命中的一部分,现在似乎已经消失了.
在过去的几年里,我失去了我的两位祖父母,两位伟大的人生导师. 那是几个月前开学前几天, that my grandma, the one I was the closest to, passed away. 我满脑子想的都是如何尊重她的一生,因为她对我来说太重要了. And that’s how I decided to make an altar for her and my grandpa.
Día de Muertos最大的象征是祭坛,这是你邀请你爱的人在这个可爱的夜晚来拜访你的方式. It is believed that their souls come out to visit you, not in a creepy way, but to make you feel their love, make you feel like you’re with them once again.
Día de muertos是关于尊重一个人的生命,但不仅仅是人,甚至是你的宠物. 尊重他们带给你的快乐,向他们证明你会非常想念他们.
Día亡灵节是我文化的重要组成部分,我想和你们分享我的这一小部分, of my culture, of my people. If you wish to know more about it don’t be afraid to ask, you’ll see the magic of this tradition is really powerful. And just like this, take the time to learn about others, for they might show you much more than your eyes can see.
