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Building on Destiny

Noémie C., Grade 11 Prefect
At the end of the school year, 我将离开这个过去三年来一直被我称为家的地方. I will be taking off to this big city called Montreal. 我将一个人住在那里,离开我的家乡和这个小镇. 我不会对你撒谎:第一次离开父母独自一人来到像蒙特利尔这样的大城市,给我带来了很多担忧. Will I be able to manage my apartment? Will I be able to find my way around? 这些问题我在斯坦斯特德都不会问自己.  
I have lived the best three years of my life here, but I’ve figured that it is time for me to move on. Although these big changes scare me a bit, I am looking forward to bigger things, new people, new adventures. It was all meant to be. 
有时候事情的发生是有原因的,不管你是否希望. 我坚信命运,相信事情或事件会在正确的时刻降临在你身上, that everything happens for a reason. Coming to Stanstead College was originally not in my plans, 但我相信命运把我带到这里,因为我需要改变我的生活. 
Three years ago, I took a different path coming here. 我抛下了几乎所有的东西,开始了新的冒险. 体育菠菜大平台帮助我成长为一个独立的人,我在很多方面都了解了自己. I got out of my comfort zone, 我必须克服比我想象的更多的挑战时刻和情况, like giving this speech right now. 
记住这一点:你不能总是选择发生在你身上的情况, 但你总是可以选择应对这些情况的方式. 我爸爸总是告诉我,控制我能控制的,让其他的事情顺其自然. 重要的是我如何处理这些情况,以及我如何选择对摆在我面前的事情做出反应. Looking back, I realize that the way I behaved during the past three years, decisions I’ve made, people I’ve met, 所有这些都对我的人生道路产生了影响,使我有了今天的成就. So yes, I believe in destiny, but I also believe the way you act, 你想成为什么样的人,你向别人展示的东西会影响人们对你的看法, ultimately, how it will impact your future. 机会就会向你走来,成为你新的命运. 
  • 不要害怕走出你的舒适区,这就是你成长的方式. 
  • The choices you make today will shape your future. 
  • Challenges bring new opportunities. 
  • And finally, you are the creator of your destiny. 