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Spartans News

SG Basketball: Rounding into Form

By Erik Van Dyke
“这是我见过你们打得最好的团队篮球.” – Mr. 安德鲁·布莱尔,副部长,赛后向我讲述他的想法.
And he was not wrong. Because not only were we going up against a fast, 训练有素的三重奏队一心复仇(10天前我们打败了他们), but Trio full-court presses every second of every game, 我们的控球后卫也将缺阵(因为梅利莎因脑震荡缺阵)。. 在女子篮球中,没有什么比在没有真正运球者的情况下带球对抗压力更困难的了. Not only is it difficult, it can be demoralizing. I’m not gonna lie, I was concerned coming into this game.
But this team has come a loooong way these past three weeks. From the Salesien barnburner, to the progress we made at the MIS, to the grit and guts we showed at the BCS tournament (remember? 6 games in 28 hours?!),这些玩家已经习惯了紧凑的游戏,深入挖掘,应对压力,努力工作 as a unit on both ends of the floor. 球员们对自己的角色有了更好的理解,并且更有信心,更少犹豫. We’re getting closer and closer to the ultimate goal, which is when the whole becomes better than the sum of the parts.
所以也许我不应该对我们在这场比赛中的表现感到惊讶, how efficient, how purposeful, how together:
  • how intensely locked-in and courageous Camryn 是拿起球还是一直在你面前的全场压力, only two turnovers the entire game, a truly inspiring effort;
  • how well Halle responded to being inserted into the starting lineup, 她不仅在第一节狂砍8分,而且打出了本赛季最具破坏性的防守;
  • how savvy Hayley 在防守(关键轮转)和进攻(有目的的低位移动和更多的节奏跳投)上变得更有信心;
  • how all-around dominant Player Of The Game Maddie Lippmann was, 打出了本赛季最令人印象深刻的数据之一(16分), 11 rebounds, 4 steals, 2 blocks);
  • and, most importantly, how every single player is contributing to our philosophy, especially on defence, 我们在哪里真的开始看起来像一支危险的球队, with all five on the floor working together, applying pressure, deflecting passes, hounding our opponents, dictating what happens, five moving parts working as one.
I opened this writeup with a quote from Mr. Blair, who witnessed the game from the scorer’s table. I’ll finish with another quote, 但这封来自一位来观看她女儿和我们比赛的家长, 她也是一位篮球裁判,曾经拒绝过我们(所以她很了解她的篮球)。, 比赛结束几天后(我们以38比23结束),她跑去找沃尔夫教练,告诉了她, “I was so impressed with your team. Your girls work so hard and so together and so smart. 每个人都是你所做事情的一部分,不仅仅是几个做所有事情的球员,而是每个人. I love your team.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
- Coach Van Dyke
The year so far…
Overall Record15 wins 10 losses
RSEQ League Play:  5 wins  3 losses
Points for per game32.7     Points allowed per game24.9
CAIS Semi-finalists